Monday, August 18, 2014

Exercise of the Week: Wall Sits

Hello Everyone!

Hope you are all having a great Monday thus far and looking forward to a new exercise to spice up your routine.  Currently I am trying to get as much leg work in as possible, so this week's exercise is: Wall Sits.  I am trying to incorporate any and all lower body exercises into my days, because you can literally do them anywhere!  As long as you have a wall or an equivalent you can hold some wall sits and feel that oh so wonderful burn.

Wall Sit
Target Muscles: Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Core, Shoulders
Wall Sit
Pay no attention to my awkward hands :P
Stand with your back facing a wall, then slowly lower yourself into a seated position.  Try to lower yourself enough that your legs make a 90 degree angle.  Make sure to keep your back, shoulders, and head flat against the wall.  Hold for a desired amount of time.
Feel free to add intensity and variations to your wall sits:
- Add any upper body exercise like bicep curls or a shoulder press using free weights or a
  resistance band.

- Put an exercise ball between your back and the wall for additional back support.
I challenge all of you to do 3 wall sits for 30-60 seconds 4 times this week!
Enjoy :)

- Courtney

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