Monday, August 25, 2014

Exercise of the Week: Lunges with a Bicep Curl

Hello Everyone!

Happy Monday to you all!  This week's exercise of the week is a lunge with a Bicep curl.  This is a great way to work your lower and upper body while focusing on balance, too! I've mentioned before I like to get the most out of a workout, so why not combine more than one muscle group in one move.  Simplicity at its finest ;)

Lunges with Bicep curl
Target muscles: Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Biceps, and Core

Starting Position
 Step 1
Step forward into a lunge, keeping your arms at your side.
Make sure your knee does not go over your toes.
Step 2
Bend arms at elbows to perform bicep curl.
Step 3
Stand back up. to our starting position....or this dorky choose ;)

Modifications: Alternate arms on Bicep curl.
Enhancements: Walking lunges and/or heavier weights.

I challenge you to do 3 sets of 12-15 lunges with Bicep curls on each leg, 3 times this week! Good luck :)

- Courtney

1 comment:

  1. That photographer must have been pretty good to capture a pose like that!!!
